Dealing with dry skin this winter, it is common for our skin to dry out and become scaly and itchy due to the change in the weather but don’t worry read below to find out to what you should do and what you should add into your diet to keep your skin from drying out fast and keeping it smooth.
- Moisturize your skin , apply right after showering while the skin can still trap in moisture and also moisturize before going to bed. While going out make sure to use sunscreen with an spf 30 in all the areas that are exposed as it can also cause dryness and the UV rays can cause damage.
- Hydrate yourself, drink plenty of water and other fluids to rejuvenate your skin and body inside out. But as well as keep a check on the caffeinated drinks and tea as it can dehydrate your body even more. Leaving your skin cell more dry and shriveled or which to green tea, herbal tea, coconut water and buttermilk.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day ensures that your skin stays moisturized from the inside out - Dr. Sarita Sanke, Senior Consultant Dermatologist
- It is important to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week and also add products like aloe vera, shea butter, jojoba oil that keep the skin’s barrier for long and moisturizes your skin for longer period of time
Vitamin C - As the skin dries out and becomes scaly it helps the skin to retain water and therefore makes your skin look hydrated and smooth. It can also help reduce redness with skin and excessive sun exposure.
Food like grapes, limes, green peppers, broccoli and cauliflower all rich in the vitamin c
Vitamin D - It is essential for good skin health , during the winter season the air does not carry moisture therefore our skin loses out on moisture and becomes dry, causing cracks, scaly and itchy skin. As primarily we rarely are exposed to sun's rays and stay indoors more often due to harsh cold weather in some regions it is important to add vitamin D in the diet as a way of combating the effects.
Food such as egg yolks, soy milk, orange juice, mushroom are all rich in vitamin D
Biotin - Biotin should be part of your diet this winter to deal with dry skin. The cold weather leads to less moisturizing of the skin and turning it into dry and flaky consuming biotin which are found in food products like sweet potatoes, salmon
You can also visit our gytree shop to add these beneficial vitamins into your diet this winter for a smooth and healthy skin this winter and consult our experts to understand your skin and to perfect your diet.